This yoga practice focuses on releasing tension in the hips, shoulders and back and can be described as a yoga massage. The class ends with a gratitude meditation followed by resting pose. If you are like me, in our current circumstances, finding time for yourself is extremely difficult.  I encourage you to use this practice as well- deserved alone time to relax and reset. Research shows that gratitude is strongly associated with a greater sense of happiness and well-being, and we need that now more than ever.  When we focus our attention on counting our blessings, we can relieve depression and anxiety, increase our optimism, and improve our immune function.  Our human tendency is to focus on the negative. Cultivating a heart of gratitude and counting our blessings is something we have to practice everyday.  I encourage you to take a few minutes each morning and evening to remember all that you are grateful for, big and small, and discover how it will positively transform your day and night.