No weights? No Problem! Today I am going to show you something fun and cool to do with a simple around the house object. A gallon jug!  Most of us have a gallon of water, milk, or juice in the house right? Even if you don’t, grab laundry detergent or something you can be comfortable using to do each exercise. Below I will have each exercise listed with the suggested reps and sets. Make sure you only do what you can handle based on your fitness level. Today is a great day to be creative and use what we can to get a good burn in! Stay strong, keep moving, and dig deep to be the best version of you during this time. Together we are STRONG!

  1. Jug Swing—bend slightly at the knees and control the core during each swing ( 4 sets of 10-12 )
  2. Jug Deadlift—bend at the waist, pull jug up with the arms as you come up, keeping the core tight and back straight ( 4 sets of 10-12)
  3. Arm Raises to the side ( 2 sets of 10-12 on each side )
  4. Jug Curls—bicep curls ( 4 sets of 10-12 )
  5. Jug Squats—Make sure the jug is right under the chin ( 4 sets of 10-12 )

Extra Bonus: Feel free to drink your gallon of WATER after your workout! Enjoy.