How many weekends have ended before you got around to doing that “thing” you kept meaning to accomplish? I get it. After a crazy work week, all you want to do is kick your feet up, put on your favorite television show, relax, and spend time with the dog and the family. It’s so easy to finish a week of work, and before you know it—boom! It’s over. The grass isn’t cut, the laundry isn’t done, and the shed out back is no more organized than it was six months ago. While you’re finding yourself at home more often than you’re used to, it’s the perfect time to come up with a list of things to do that need to be done. This is the time.

  1. Clean out the pantry and fridge. Let’s be real. That can of diced tomatoes has been there for 10 years. Let’s go through each shelf, get rid of what we know will never be consumed. After we complete the disposal process, we can move on to the fun part—organizing!
  2. The closet is next. Anything that’s not touched your body in over twelve months has to go. Period. Let’s be totally honest with ourselves about our needs and try to make realistic decisions here. What needs to be kept versus what could be a beautiful donation to someone in need in our community.
  3. Seasons have changed, and so has our landscaping. Let’s tackle some yardwork that’s severely overdue. You don’t have to have a green thumb to rake some leaves, pull some weeds or pressure wash the driveway. Getting some dirt on your hands and under your nails is good for the soul! 
  4. I don’t know what it is about plastic food storage containers, but they’re everywhere. They’re in the cabinets, the pantry, the drawers, and even the bathtub. Let’s make the world a better place and clean out or organize the cabinets…match those containers to their lids and stack them up.
  5. Lastly, whether it’s the garage, the basement, or the shed out back, there’s usually some serious work to be done.  That alone will keep you busy until summer rolls around!