It’s a new day to get started on a new fun family activity challenge. Today’s challenge will be one that you can do daily. The key to this challenge is to make sure you complete each activity on the day it’s scheduled. Grab the family and let’s have some fun! 

 Calendar Challenge 

 Items you need include: 

  1. A blank calendar, or you can do a list from 1-31 on a dry erase board or a sheet of paper. (Of course, all months are not created equal so just stop on the day the month ends accordingly.)
  2. Marker, dry erase marker, or pen, depending on your calendar or list

Now that you have your supplies, let’s set your days up. Each day will consist of a fun activity for you and your family to do. The activity will be listed by each calendar date, starting with the 1st of the month. Because we are already well past the 1st, you don’t have to start on the 1st. You will simply start on whatever day it is when you start this. 

Below I have 31 days already lined up for you. You can change the activities monthly or just leave them. Use this time to be creative with each day and each activity. Stay on course and don’t fall behind, because you don’t get make up days! After each completed month, add a family treat to celebrate. For example, complete your first 30 days and plan a family pizza night! Remember to cherish the simple things and enjoy the moments that become priceless memories. 

  1. Dance party! Find your favorite song and get your dance on!
  2. A family walk around the neighborhood.
  3. Sit up challenge. See who can do the most in 1 minute.
  4. Push Ups during all commercial breaks while watching TV.
  5. Find a board game or video game to play as a family for at least 1 hour. 
  6. Jumping Jack challenge. See who can do the most in 1 minute. 
  7. Grab some old pillowcases and have a sack race in the backyard.
  8. Tell a funny story together. Have one member start the story and each family member add on.
  9. Bedtime yoga. Find a yoga YouTube video and do it together before bed. 
  10. Plank Challenge. Who can hold a plank the longest? 
  11. You can never have too many dance parties so…Dance party, again!
  12. Sing a song together that you know, if it’s corny.
  13. Play dress up and have a family fashion show.
  14. Squat Challenge. See who can do the most in 1 minute.
  15. Have a foot race outside. 
  16. Find another board game or card game to play with the family.
  17. Cook a family meal together. Each family makes a dish.
  18. Sweet Treats! Find a sweet treat to enjoy together. 
  19. Play catch! Find a ball or something soft that you can throw, and play catch outdoors.
  20. Build a fort in your living room together and camp out with snacks.
  21. Make paper airplanes and fly them.
  22. Write a letter to another family member.
  23. Sit Ups during commercial breaks. 
  24. Cleaning day! Find one area in the house that could use some cleaning.
  25. Find a Christmas movie for the family to enjoy. 
  26. Enjoy another walk outside.
  27. Have another bedtime yoga night.
  28. Make a list of 3 major goals you have.
  29. Drink only water today with your meals!  
  30. Find an at-home workout online to do with your family today.
  31. Have a slumber party. Movies, popcorn, and blankets all in one room.