After reading the Monthly Wellbeing Topic below, visit SouthernLifeStyle Rewards through or mySOurce single sign-on to take the short quiz and earn $10 in your HRA/HSA/FSA. Earn up to $120 for the year.

Download full PDF here


How to get started:

  • Complete your Well Check on SouthernLifeStyle Rewards
  • Manage stress with Total Brain App
  • Get your flu shot (at no cost to you!)
  • Complete your Sleep Check-up with Sleep Charge
  • Practice MSK health with preventive activities on Hinge Health App

Why is Preventive Care Important?

An annual physical allows for early detection. Preventive measures helps detect more serious conditions and health risks. An annual physical is the key to taking control of your health.

While there is no charge for a preventive exam and it is covered 100%, it is important to know that age, gender and frequency limits do apply. Sometimes, you can receive diagnostic services and labs that are not preventive and those could be subject to deductible and coinsurance. Check out the list of preventive services covered by Credence Blue Cross and Blue Shield here.

Also available at Southern Company is a preventive mental health visit for those who are enrolled in the plan. This can be conducted either in or out of network for a counseling visit. There are restrictions for the Consumer plan and is not offered by the HMO plans. Remember to check your Summary Plan Description for details and restrictions.