Stay accountable and healthier this holiday season with the Maintain Don’t Gain Challenge on SouthernLifeStyle Rewards. Work to avoid the average 7-10 pound weight gain many experience between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. Report your initial weight once between Nov 15. and Nov. 30 and your final weight once between Jan. 10and Jan. 25. There will be a grace period through Feb. 1 to report your final weight. There is also the option of recording daily or weekly weights throughout the challenge (optional) to help you stay on track.

When you maintain your weight within two pounds of your initial weigh-in, you will earn $25 toward your 2022 HRA/HSA/FSA! Final weights of more than 2 pounds below initial weights will also earn the $25 incentive!

To report your initial weight:

  1. Log in to SouthernLifeStyle Rewards on mySOurce or [].
  2. Select the Physical Activity Reporting tab.
  3. Select Weight Tracking.
  4. Type in your weight and hit the orange Submit button to save your entry.

This time of the year can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. As we head into the holiday season, focus on practicing gratitude – It can help strengthen your immune function, encourage proactivity, build stress resilience, and has a ripple effect that will encourage others to do the same.

Visit the See the Good. Share the Good. message board and share how practicing gratitude has improved your life. Encourage others to share something they appreciate this holiday season. Post a message before Dec. 31 and earn $10 HRA/HSA/FSA.

Log in to SouthernLifeStyle Rewards on mySOurce or [] to report your initial weight!