Today I want to change things up with the change you have laying around at home. Who doesn’t have a quarter or two laying around? Grab the family and each of you grab a quarter, nickel, penny, or dime and let’s flip. Once you have your coins, find a spacious area or take the fun outside. Below you will see 10 Rounds of two different exercises for both heads and tails. Your job is to flip the coin and follow each exercise based on where your coin lands. Have fun and feel free to repeat the list as much as you want.

  1. Heads 10 Jumping Jacks Tails 10 Squats
  2. Heads 25 Sit Ups Tails 25 Bicycles 
  3. Heads 10 Pushups Tails 10 Arm Circles
  4. Heads 20 Squats 10 Tails Frog Leaps 
  5. Heads 20 Mountain Climbers Tails 20 Toe Touches
  6. Heads 20 Jumping Jacks Tails 15 Pushups
  7. Heads 10 Lunges Tails 30 Sec Plank
  8. Heads 30 Sec Wall Sit Tails 10 Side Lunges
  9. Heads 20 Crunches Tails 10 Wall Push Ups 
  10. Heads 20 Jump Squats Tails 30 Sec Plank

Time to flip and have some fun. I hope this fun activity gives you a little change in your daily routine. Remember just moving at least 20 mins a day makes a huge difference in your health. Stay well my friends.