Park workouts have become the new go-to. As most gyms are still closed and social distancing is still in place, people are looking to outdoor parks, trails, and lake sites for their workout space. Below you will find an easy and simple full body workout that will get you going during the week. Staying active, keeping the blood pumping, and keeping the heart rate up will help strengthen your immune system and burn calories even during your state of rest. There is no right or wrong location when it comes to choosing your favorite outdoor location. You can even change it up weekly and do the same workout in a different outdoor location for a change of scenery. Grab your water, a towel and or yoga mat, a friend, or family member and let’s make it a great day outdoors.

  • Single leg glute bridge—4 sets of 10-12
  • Wall push ups or modified push ups—4 sets of 10-12
  • Box jumps—4 sets of 10-12
  • Supermans—alternate each arm and leg, 4 sets of 10-12
  • Step ups—4 sets of 10- 12
  • End with a 15 minute jog or walk

I hope you can find a pretty day during the week to enjoy this workout with a friend or even just for some alone time. Keep moving, and keep pushing. Together we will all get STRONGER!