Check out these fielding tips! You don’t even need a partner to practice or try these! Grab a tennis ball and find a wall. Make sure to mix up different ground balls off the wall, throw some hard, soft, and with top spin. You can simulate game like ground balls by doing and by perfecting your form! Remember simple Is better so I condensed it down to 4 points:

  1. Field (make the triangle, put front)
  2. Funnel (bring that glove into our lower chest)
  3. Feet (build momentum toward our target
  4. Throw (separate ball from glove and throw a line through our target)

Find a buddy and have a competition! First one the messes up has push ups or sit ups. Challenge yourself to get better at your form. A good practice session would be 25-30 ground balls but field as many you want! Get outside and give it a try!