We have a lot on our plate right now managing working from home and family life. I know it can be challenging to find the time to get your workout in and take some time for yourself. I am right there with you. It may be helpful to think about working in shorter workouts throughout your day. This will make it easier to find the time and spreading the workouts throughout your day can keep you mentally focused and energized. Below are five of my favorite core exercises. Do 20 reps of each exercise and 3 sets throughout your day. You can add this in after a run or walk as well.
- Lying on the floor, draw your navel in as you gently press your low back into the floor.
- Place your hands behind your head and lift your knees over your hips.
- Lift your chest off the ground and relax your head into your hands so you do not strain your neck. Keep space between your chin and chest.
- Straighten your right leg out to a 45-degree angle to the ground as you turn your upper body to the left. Bring your right elbow and shoulder towards the left knee.
- Repeat the same motion on the other side to complete one rep.
- Do not speed through this exercise. Move slowly and focus on your breath.
- 20 Reps
Raised Leg Crunch
- Lying on the floor, extend your legs to the ceiling over your hips.
- Take your hands behind your head and draw your navel in. Relax your head into your hands and make sure you do not pull on the neck.
- Crunch toward the ceiling with your gaze toward your feet and lower your torso to the starting position.
- Move slowly and focus on the breath.
- 20 Reps
Spider Man Plank
- The starting position is a push-up position.
- Make sure your hands are shoulder distance apart and soften your elbows.
- Keep your body in one line and do not let your head drop.
- Draw your navel in.
- Lift your right leg and pull the knee to the right elbow. If you need to, you can drop the opposite knee down.
- Move slowly and focus on the breath.
- Repeat on the left.
- 20 Reps
Forearm Side Plank With a Twist
- Start in a side plank on your left side with your left forearm on the ground.
- Make sure your elbow is stacked below your shoulder.
- Your feet can be stacked, or you can stagger one in front of the other.
- Place your right hand behind your head with your right elbow pointed toward the ceiling.
- Pull your navel in.
- Rotate your torso down and bring your right elbow toward your left hand then rotate back to starting position.
- Move slowly and focus on the breath.
- If this exercise is too difficult, drop down and rest when you need to.
- 20 Reps
Boat Pose
- Begin seated on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
- Draw your navel in.
- Keeping your spine straight, lean back slightly and lift your feet, bringing your shins parallel to the floor.
- Extend your arms forward, in line with your shoulders.
- Keep lengthening through your spine and you pull your navel in.
- You have the option to keep your shins parallel to the floor or straighten your legs.
- Work your way up to holding for one minute while focusing on the breath.