There are many different meditation and breathing techniques that can help us clear our mind and reduce stress.  One of the easiest to practice is a body scan meditation.  During a body scan meditation you bring your attention to your body, focusing on different sensations as you work your way down from head to toe.  Stress can affect us both mentally and physically.  Some of the physical symptoms are headaches, body aches, and upset stomach.  It is easy to focus on the physical symptoms and forget that some of the symptoms may be coming from our emotional state. A body scan meditation allows us to slow down and check in with ourselves.  When you mentally scan yourself from head to toe, you bring awareness to every part of your body while staying present and breathing into the different sensations you experience.  According to research, practicing a body scan meditation is associated with reduced stress, increased focus, improved sleep, and increased psychological well-being.  

You can practice the body scan meditation anytime you need it and if you are having trouble falling asleep at night it is good to practice at bedtime.  

  1. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
  2. Notice your head and neck, pay attention to any sensations of tightness and discomfort.  Do you feel tense or relaxed? When you notice areas of tension, focus your attention on them and breathe deep.  Visualize the tension melting from your body with each exhale.
  3. Bring your attention to your shoulders, arms, and hands. Do you feel any sensations of tightness and discomfort?  When you notice areas of tension, focus your attention on them and breathe deep. Visualize the tension melting from your body with each exhale.
  4. Repeat this practice for your chest, back, hips, legs, and feet.
  5. When you notice areas of tension, focus your attention on them, breathe deep and visualize the tension leaving the body.  If your mind drifts off, come back to the areas in the body and breathe as you continue to relax.