Rise and Shine!  This morning we are talking about breakfast.  Who doesn’t love a big, home-cooked breakfast full of eggs, bacon, biscuits, and grits.  I know I do.  But, I also know if you eat it on a regular basis it will pack on the pounds and clog the arteries faster than you can say “see your cardiologist.”  So, today I’m sharing a much healthier breakfast option to help balance out those days when you did splurge on the “classics.”

This recipe for Spinach Feta Omelette is delicious, easy to make, healthy and hardly dirties up any dishes so… it’s a winner on all accounts.  Don’t be turned off by the spinach.  The texture of cooked spinach paired with it’s mild taste actually blends really well with the texture of cooked eggs and the flavors of the other ingredients.  Adding spinach to recipes in general is an easy way to bump up the nutrient content and the volume of food without really bumping up the calories.

Spinach Feta Omelette from APC Empowered Health on Vimeo.

Spinach Feta Omelette Recipe


  • Eggs
  • Feta
  • Spinach
  • Tomatoes
  • Avocado
  • Olive Oil Spray
  • Salt and Pepper

Cooking Instructions:

  • Pre-heat pan on medium heat
  • Spray with olive oil (I like to use Bertolli Olive Oil Spray)
  • Sauté 2 cups of raw spinach leaves
  • While spinach is sautéing, combine 1 whole egg and 2 egg whites (or 4 egg whites if you want to make an egg white omelette)
  • Mix sautéed spinach in with the raw eggs, scramble everything up and pour the mixture back into the pan
  • Cook on one side and then show off your omelette flipping skills by flipping it over to the other side
  • Once you’ve flipped the omelette, sprinkle crumbled Feta (to taste) on one half of the omelette
  • Plate the omelette and then add diced tomatoes (diced green peppers and sautéed mushrooms also taste great when added to this omelette) to the same half as the Feta
  • Fold the omelette over, sprinkle with a little salt and as much pepper as you want
  • Add slices of avocado–When eating, every bite of omelette should include a bite of avocado
  • Top it off with a piece of toast, English muffin or any other type of whole grain side item