Have you found a way to give yourself a mental vacation? What is a “mental vacation?”

It is a planned breakaway or activity that acts as a comfort food for your mind that should be rich in detail – allowing you to disconnect from real life as much as possible. According to Shawn Achor, an American author and speaker known for his advocacy of positive psychology, and the author of The Happiness Advantage, we have lost micro moments during the day that gives our brains a rest. He shares how important these moments of quiet and disconnection are to help the brain realize we can have separation, while remaining productive and happy.

If you are feeling overwhelmed and need to allow your brain time to recharge and rejuvenate, schedule a breather for yourself. If your cheerful, you will make better decisions and equip yourself to deal more effectively with tough situations, building resiliency. You have to make it intentional!

Here are some simple ways you can take a mental vacation:

·       Unplug/Disconnect from electronics. Turn off your PCs, laptops, and cellular devices and take in your surroundings. You will be surprised by what quiet time can do for your mental state.

·       Get outdoors. Visit a park, theme park, or a local favorite. Enjoy nature and appreciate the beauty around you.

·       Explore diverse cultures. Enjoy live music, visit a museum, or see a musical at a community theatre.

·       Go for a solo drive. Take a drive during your favorite part of the day, try doing so without music for at least 10 minutes. It is a fantastic way to clear your head.

·       Sip on a cool beverage. Sipping on a cool beverage can help relieve stress, and allow you to relax and gather your thoughts. 

·       Spoil yourself. Indulge in a relaxing massage, facial, bubble bath, or other self-care rituals. Try a new relaxing activity like yoga, meditation, or playing a new instrument.

·       Lighten your load. Try to accomplish as much as you can during your day, stay organized, and prioritize tasks. This can help manage/relieve stress by freeing up your time.

Click Here for more ways to take a mental vacation!