I hope you have been practicing the yoga postures from our part one class. Hopefully the moves are starting to feel easier and more familiar. In our part two class, I build on the postures from the first class and add in more strength work and introduce you to balancing poses. 

Remember to listen to your body and never push a stretch too far, and take a break when you need it. Find the sweet spot between too much and too little, and keep your breath deep and stay relaxed. I hope you are starting to realize that yoga is a physical practice that works on strength, toning, balance, and flexibility. In addition, it is a breathing class that helps to calm your nervous system and clear your mind. Can you tell I am trying to get you hooked on yoga? 

I think everyone should practice yoga and realize the mind and body benefits. Practice this class two or three times a week. Part three, coming soon! Namaste.