Raise your hand if you’ve spent any time at all worrying about how much longer this pandemic will last and what the future will hold after COVID-19 makes its exit. Will my child get a graduation ceremony? Will I be able to walk my daughter down the aisle next month? Will we ever see toilet paper in the grocery store again? Me, too. These are very valid concerns and reasons to question this limbo phase we are all finding ourselves in.

I think that it’s very important that we slow down and prioritize the things that are most important to us. When we prioritize our lives, we can have a better understanding of what is within our control and what is not. Having a healthy perspective on our lives and our circumstances can help eliminate any unnecessary worry and allow us to focus on the things that we can control.

More than just what we can control, I challenge you to focus on the things that are good. Celebrate your health if you have it. Sit in the sunshine when you get a thirty-minute break between conference calls. Be thankful for the work that you have – so many around you don’t. Notice the people in your lives that mean something to you and remind them how much you love them. Don’t let the worry consume you, let’s live in joy and gratefulness for what we can control and what’s right in front of us.