COVID-19 has thrown a few wrenches in our schedules, our usual routines, and robbed us of our normalcy. Many things in life seem uncertain, out of our control, and over our head. Whether you’re suffering mentally, emotionally or physically, this is a prime opportunity for us to focus on the things that we can control. Now more than ever, in these circumstances, we can’t forget to listen to our bodies, understand the benefits of getting adequate amounts of sleep, and take care of ourselves. We know that sleep helps combat weak immune systems, reduces stress levels, and allows us to have more energy and alertness throughout our day. Knowing we need sleep to strengthen our immune systems, it’s vital for us to prioritize it as we all play our role in flattening the curve of COVID-19.

Sleep Charge by Nox Health is a great resource for you to learn more information about the proven benefits of getting enough rest. You also have access to sleep assessments and many other tools to help improve your knowledge and your understanding of these benefits. Check out this Sleep Charge Sleep Immunity Guide to learn more.