As a fitness/health and wellness business owner, I get this question a lot. As I mentioned in a previous article, the key is to keep it simple. The template that I use every single day with each of my clients looks like this:

  1.  Warm-up – I recommend a warm-up of a minimum of 5 minutes, and preferably doing something that takes both upper and lower body to do. The goal is to move to the point that you start sweating. Once achieved, you are most likely to the point where your joints are lubricated with synovial fluid, and each muscle is warmer in temperature than before you started. Now it’s much safer to workout than 5 minutes ago!
  2.  Dynamic Stretch – I recommend continuing the warm-up process with dynamic stretching—that is essentially a moving stretch that should most mimic the exercises you plan to do that day. 
  3.  Workout – I recommend using exercises that you are familiar with (and that are safe). If under the supervision of a professional, they would control your workout intensity and parameters, but if working out from home by yourself, the level of difficulty should be low with minimal, if any, weight. Working out at home should consist of bodyweight exercises in the mid-to-high rep range, while paying close attention to form. Exercises like squats without weights are better for beginners. I would only recommend lunges for someone that has mastered the squat, that has been working out for more than a month, and that through my evaluation of them is ready to perform this more advanced move. Some great upper body moves are pushups that can be performed from your knees, and the more advanced chair tricep dips.
  4. Cool Down – I recommend walking around the room or outside, if possible, to allow your heart rate to lower for 3 to 5 minutes.
  5. Static Stretch – Make sure to stretch the muscles that you know are tight. The key to stretching effectively is to make sure you are relaxed (breathing deeply). A good rule to follow when performing static stretching is to hold each stretch for 2 to 3 rounds of 20 to 30 seconds.
  6. Remember to Have Fun!

All the best!