Contrary to popular understanding, health and wellness is not just confined to a category of physical and mental wellbeing. Wellness is such a large, umbrella term that actually allows us to explore so many different ways to make our lives fuller, not just with creating or maintaining healthy, physical bodies and minds. Due to COVID-19 and the remote situation that we’re facing, we actually have an incredible opportunity to shift our focus towards our relational health and wellness. With our normal work schedules, it’s oftentimes too easy to neglect our personal lives and the relationships we have with the people around us, both near and far. I’m challenging each of us to take a few minutes each day to reach out to someone that’s not a part of your everyday life. This is going to look different for everyone but be intentional! Call your old friend from high school or college. You can check on your parents and see what needs they may have. If nothing else, just tell them you love them. You can keep it light and facetime your little niece or nephew! You can’t be sad and see those cute little faces—everyone wins! Maybe for some of you it’s making an extra plate for dinner or a few extra cookies to take to your neighbor. You never know how much of a blessing it might be to them. 

It’s so important to make sure that we’re taking care of our bodies, but relationships with people are undoubtedly the prize of this life. Nourish them. Take care of them. Keep them well.