Today I want to introduce you and your family to fun family fitness challenges that you can do right in the comfort of your own home. No need to overthink it, just grab the family and have fun!

 Activity Number One:

 Fitness Scavenger Hunt 

 Items you need include: 

  1. Index cards, sticky notes, or notebook paper you can cut into four sections. 
  2. Writing pen or marker

How this works is fun and simple. First each person gets 5-10 index cards, sticky notes, or sheets of paper to write on. Each person writes down one indoor exercise and the number of reps you want done. For example, 5 pushups. One family member at a time hides their exercises in odd places around the house, while the others can’t see them. Other family members should step outside, or you can even blind fold them or just close your eyes (honor system 😊). When the first family member is done, it is up to the others to find each exercise around the house and complete it in 5 minutes! Whoever finds the most exercises and has them completed will be the next family member to hide theirs. Keep this rotation going until every has had a chance. 

This activity is fun, safe, and easy to do. It’s a fun way to keep everyone active right in the comfort of your own home. Remember to have fun with this, be creative, and drink plenty of water. Because we are uncertain of how long we will be inside, I would suggest choosing one night out of the week and make this a part of your weekly routine. So, if you choose Monday, then Monday Nights would be considered Scavenger Hunt Night! I hope this fitness challenge becomes a cool way for you to bond with your family during this time. Remember to stay safe, stay clean, and keep positive vibes! Together we will get through this.  

Below is a list of a few exercise examples as a reference. Stay tuned for Part II—more fitness family challenges coming soon!


  • Jumping Jacks
  • Pushups
  • Situps
  • Toe Touches 
  • Squats
  • Bicycles
  • Ab Twist
  • ButtKicks Lunges
  • Crunches
  • Arm Circles

*Note: If you are not familiar with certain exercises, you can look online for awesome resource of quick examples.