Something about a still or quiet moment seems like a valid reason or excuse to grab our hand-held devices. Or if you’re a parent, maybe it’s a chaotic and loud moment that leads you to it. These things seem to rule our world, call the shots, and dictate our emotions. You know it, I know it, we all know it. Being connected on social media or locked-in to a Netflix show doesn’t stand a chance against quality time with family.  A little less screen time is never a bad thing. We just have to be mindful of other ways that can occupy our time in a meaningful and intentional way. Below are a few creative suggestions to grab the family, be present and distract us from the uncontrollable uncertainty of the weeks, maybe months to come.

  1. Cards or board games. No one is ever mad about friendly competition. Whether it’s UNO, Go Fish, Black Jack or Monopoly, this is an awesome way to bring people together and have a little fun. Take turns choosing the games so that everyone is happy!
  2. Brain games. These are things like puzzles, word searches, Rubik’s cubes, sudoku, or even an at-home trivia game! These are ways to get our brains thinking and take a break from the mindlessness of scrolling through Facebook. 
  3. Arts and crafts. You’re never too old for this. Something about coloring a page or painting a canvas can be very therapeutic. Maybe you have children—if it’s a nice day, find some sidewalk chalk and spice up your driveway! 
  4. Make the Pinterest-worthy recipe you’ve had saved for a few weeks now. If you like to cook or bake, now is a great time to practice or enhance those skills! 
  5. Read a book or journal. Carve out 30 minutes a day to pick up a book or a newspaper and read! If that’s not your cup of tea, challenge yourself and write about your day. Instead of oversharing on Facebook or Instagram, be vulnerable with yourself and create a space to be honest with yourself. Before you know it, a year will fly by, and looking back on this time and the memories you made could be a light on a dark day for you. If you don’t write them down, you might forget!
  6. Finally, my personal favorite. Stream music. Sing, dance, breathe, and just enjoy the moment you’re in. If you can play an instrument, maybe it’s time to shake the dust off and refine your talent.