Today I will show you 4 easy modified exercises that you can do in the comfort of your own home or outdoors. The key to keeping your health in check is staying active. You have to keep moving, and it doesn’t take a lot! Getting the heart rate up will allow you to burn calories and fat even at a resting position. You can choose to do as many sets as you can based on your current fitness level. You can even spread your sets out throughout the day, so it keeps you busy. Each exercise will be listed below with the recommended sets, but remember YOU choose. Know your body, and don’t overdo it!

  1. Hinge squat with arms out (4 sets of 10)
  2. Overhead Reach (2 sets of 25)
  3. Standing Toe Touch (4 sets of 15)
  4. Standing Core Twist (4 sets of 20)

Repeat these 4 exercises throughout the day as much as you can, and stay on course! Stay tuned for more fitness tips and videos to help get you through these next couple of weeks. Together we are strong!