Having a morning routine in place can make all the difference in your day.  Research shows that in the morning hours our minds are the most primed for productivity.  Do you wake up and grab your phone first thing and then head straight to the coffee? You are not alone, but there is a better way to set your day up for success.  Here are 3 tips that can help jump-start your mornings.

1. Get plenty of rest , 8 to 9 hours of sleep each night.

We have to feel good mentally and physically to knock out those items on our to-do list.  Feeling good during the day definitely starts with a good night’s sleep.  Make sure that you go to bed each night at the same time and try to wake up at the same time.  Instead of hitting the alarm clock and jumping straight out of bed, take a few minutes to be thankful that you have another day and count your blessings.  Starting the day with gratitude can transform our whole day.  This is also the perfect time to meditate or practice deep breathing for a few minutes.  Taking time to focus on gratitude, meditation, and relaxation before getting out of bed can make a difference in your energy levels and focus during the day.

2. Exercise and eat a healthy breakfast.

Before you grab the coffee, have a glass of warm water with a squeeze of lemon to hydrate your body after sleep. Exercising first thing in the morning will help you feel energized, focused, and motivated.  Make sure to do something to get your body moving even if you only have 15 or 20 minutes.  Follow your workout with a healthy breakfast.  It is easy to reach for the sugary cereal or pastries but in a few hours you will crash and lose energy.  Instead, make sure your breakfast has some protein, healthy carbs, and healthy fats.  I am a big fan of getting in as many greens as possible throughout your day.  Consider starting your day with a healthy green smoothie.  Your body and mind will thank you.

3. Tackle your to-do list: Start with the small tasks first and then focus on a large task.

How many times have you had so many tasks on your plate that you throw your hands up and have no idea where to start? If you have 5 small tasks that will only take 1-2 minutes each, knock those out first. It is much easier to focus on the large task when you do not have many looming tasks hanging over you.  Make a to-do list the night before so you have a plan in place.  Your to-do list should be specific.  Set time frames and number the tasks in the order they need to be completed.

It is important to work in breaks throughout your day.  Get up and move your body every 30 minutes. Consider taking 3, 3-5 minute brain breaks during your day to focus on deep breathing.  This will help maintain your focus and energy. Remember, if things do not get off to a good start the way you planned, do not let it derail your whole day.  Be flexible, adjust your schedule and goals, and jump right back in.  You will surprise yourself with how much you can accomplish even if you get off track.  Hope these tips help. Now, go tackle your morning and those to-do lists!