Are you taking a renewed interest in your health and wellbeing? 

This interest should include a wellness physical to learn more about your overall health and how your body organs are working. Several different lab tests can tell you a lot about your blood or urine and can reveal information about what is going on in your body. These lab tests help to identify health conditions we don’t even realize are occurring. A relatively small sample of blood/urine can give your physician an idea of how healthy you are.

 Your healthcare provider will request your lab work be collected either at the time of your physical, the day before, or even up to a week before the physical exam is scheduled. When our bodies are healthy, those lab values do not change very much in such a short amount of time.

Why is routine lab work important for your health?

The lab tests your physician orders will reveal if there are dangers to your health.  If health problems are left undetected and untreated, they could cause you greater problems in the future.  For example, some tests determine if your heart, thyroid, or kidneys are functioning correctly. Your physician can help you develop a plan and treatment to help correct any conditions, and reverse those conditions, if diagnosed early.

Most lab tests you undergo, if in normal ranges, won’t need to be repeated except once a year. The first set of lab results are a baseline for your healthcare professional to monitor from year to year.

Over the next few months, we will look more closely at the different types of tests your doctor may order to help determine your level of health and to identify any health problems you are experiencing.

On our medical plans, most routine tests have a limit of how many times you can have that test in a calendar year. Routine labs are covered with a routine wellness code.

Know Your Numbers

Ask your healthcare provider about your lab results if you have questions.  Also, request a copy of your lab results or check your medical portal. Provide them to your other healthcare professionals to add to your medical records. The goal is to know your numbers!

Still have questions about what labs are covered in your preventive physical or need help finding a new physician? Contact the EMAC MedLine at 866-992-EMAC (3622).