You may be surprised to see a couple of forms you are asked to fill out during your annual physical with your healthcare provider. You will be provided with two different screenings, a Depression and an Alcohol Use screening.

A depression screening is a standard set of questions to help your healthcare provider determine if you may be struggling with depression. We all may feel sad or have the “blues” from time to time, but depression is different from just being sad or having a great deal of grief. Depression can affect how you think, feel, cope and behave. Depression may cause you to lose interest in most things, things you were formerly interested in, and it can even cause you to feel like there is no hope. It is possible that depression may also cause you to have thoughts of harming yourself.

Answer the screening questions honestly and talk openly with your healthcare provider. Your provider takes an interest in how you feel; mentally as well as physically. Ask for help during this visit or contact the Employee Medical Advocacy Concerns (EMAC) line or someone with the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) – this number is found on the back of your insurance card. You can also call MDLIVE for assistance if you are seeking help with any negative thoughts, feelings or behaviors you may have.

Another test your healthcare provider will want you to take is an Alcohol Use screening. This test is used to diagnose Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD); it determines if your alcohol use is mild to moderate, or severe.

The test will ask about your alcohol use, such as how many drinks you have in a day or week. It will ask if you have had difficulties or incidences where you drank more than usual. The test will help you determine if you have tried to cut back, or if you have ever felt guilty or bad about how much you had to drink. Another question will address whether your alcohol intake has ever caused problems with your relationships, or if someone has ever pointed out you might need help with your consumption of alcohol. Again, you can be honest with your healthcare provider. They have heard and seen it all, so be honest and talk to them about any concerns you may have. Again, you can call the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for confidential help with any alcohol or substance abuse questions or concerns.

Your annual wellness physical is intended to help you be the very healthiest person you can be. Make the most of it!

Refer to the below graphics on what to expect from these assessments.